Mrp Run for Scheduling Agreement

MRP Run for Scheduling Agreement: Understanding the Basics

If you are involved in supply chain management, you may be familiar with scheduling agreements – a type of agreement between a supplier and a customer to provide goods or services over a specified period. To ensure that these agreements are executed on time, an MRP (Material Requirements Planning) run is crucial. In this article, we will discuss the basics of the MRP run for scheduling agreements and how it can help keep your supply chain running smoothly.

What is an MRP Run?

An MRP run is a process that calculates the materials needed to fulfill customer demand for products. This process considers the demand, inventory, and planned production orders to create a list of recommended purchase orders, production orders, or stock transfers.

The MRP run is typically performed periodically, such as weekly or monthly, to ensure that materials are available when needed. It helps to balance the demand and supply of materials, allowing companies to avoid stockouts and excess inventory.

What is a Scheduling Agreement?

A scheduling agreement is an agreement between a supplier and a customer to deliver goods or services at pre-determined intervals. It includes details such as delivery dates, quantities, and prices. This type of agreement is common in industries where demand is steady, such as automotive or electronics.

What is an MRP Run for a Scheduling Agreement?

An MRP run for a scheduling agreement is a process that calculates the materials needed to fulfill the scheduled deliveries. The MRP run considers the delivery schedules, inventory, and planned production orders to create a list of recommended purchase orders, production orders, or stock transfers.

The MRP run for a scheduling agreement is critical to ensuring that materials are available when needed to fulfill the agreed-upon delivery dates. It helps to balance the demand and supply of materials, allowing companies to avoid stockouts and excess inventory.

How Does an MRP Run for a Scheduling Agreement Work?

The MRP run for a scheduling agreement works by considering the demand from the customer`s schedule and the available inventory levels. Using this information, the MRP system determines the materials needed to fulfill the delivery schedules.

The MRP run then generates a list of recommended purchase orders, production orders, or stock transfers. These recommended orders are based on the lead time needed to receive or produce the materials required to fulfill the delivery schedules.

Once the recommended orders are generated, they can be reviewed and adjusted before being approved. Upon approval, the orders are released to the suppliers or production team, ensuring that the materials are available when needed to fulfill the delivery schedules.


In conclusion, an MRP run for a scheduling agreement is a critical process in supply chain management. It helps to balance the demand and supply of materials, ensuring that materials are available when needed to fulfill the agreed-upon delivery schedules.

By performing an MRP run periodically, companies can avoid stockouts and excess inventory, saving time and money. Understanding the basics of the MRP run for a scheduling agreement can help you optimize your supply chain and improve your business`s bottom line.