
Do you want to get a quick, automatically generated estimate of your home’s value or do you want a thoughtfully considered valuation based on years of experience, intelligent analysis and intangible factors that are not and often can not be factored in by robots. Robots are cool, but not when it comes to figuring out how much your home is worth.  It’s a job for a human.  Click HERE to find out.

What Is Your Home Really Worth?

Using a comprehensive analysis and Compass’ state-of-the-art technology, we can tell you how much your home is likely to sell for in today’s marketplace. If you’re curious enough to get a serious evaluation of your home’s value, click HERE.


Steve Sekhon Real Estate Broker

About Steve

Steve gives clients creative, intelligent and sound counsel, a positive attitude and good humor. His diverse background as an urban planner, builder and investor ensures that he provides buyers and sellers with comprehensive and thoughtful service.

Steve graduated from UC Berkeley with a BA in International Development and later received a Masters Degree in Urban Planning. After a research fellowship in India, he joined a Washington D.C. based international urban planning consulting firm and worked in Morocco, Tunisia, Bosnia, Cambodia and Southern Sudan.

Upon returning to the San Francisco Bay Area, he worked with Jerry Brown as a research and policy advisor during Brown’s run for Mayor of Oakland. After realizing that a desk job as an urban planner stateside wasn’t his cup of tea, he began purchasing and rehabilitating houses. He performed and managed every aspect of home building from design, permits and foundation all the way to finish and staging for sale. He has in-depth knowledge of residential construction, a keen eye for design and a knack for devising innovative solutions. If you are considering purchasing or selling a home in Marin County and would like to have a conversation about strategy, valuation or the general pulse of the market, he would be happy to meet you.



To find out more information, send me an short note and I’ll get back to you asap.